SPRINGS will focus its activities towards results directly contributing to several expected outcomes.  
Our expected results

Mechanistic knowledge

Key pathways in enteropathogen-specific environmental sensitivities

Surveillance tools

Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment tools


Climate-sensitive pathogen-specific diarrheal disease indicators

Prediction maps

Prediction maps of four pathogens under future climate extremes, taking into account projected water quality and flooding


Site-specific prioritised evidence-based interventions

Policy scenarios

Scenarios for interventions modeling health, economic, and societal impact

Medium term impacts

Improved and integrated surveillance
Improved prediction and preparedness for future risks
Interventions to improve preparedness are prioritised based on integrated value assessments
Water companies improve water quality monitoring
Sustainable transdisciplinary and multisectorial scientific networks
Citizens are engaged and informed about the relation between climate and health
Water supply systems are made climate resilient and safe
Capacity building for improved microbial surveillance, water safety planning, and planetary health policy adaptation

Wider impacts in longer term

Environmental and health policies and practices are integrated and sustainable
Upstream determinants are understood and reduced
Increased adaptive capacity and resilience
Deaths and illnesses are reduced
Citizens' health and wellbeing is protected and promoted equally

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